Thursday, 20 March 2014

No Make-Up Selfie

I have decided to write about the No Make-Up Selfie that everyone is doing right now. I think it's a wonderful cause and I participated in it. Basically, girls are taking pictures of themselves without make-up on and posting them on different social network sites like Facebook and Twitter and then that person nominates other people to take part in it. It's helping to spread cancer awareness as well as raising money for Cancer research. It's already made over £1 million in 24 hours because of this trend and I think it's a wonderful thing to do. Boys have also started to take part in it by posting pictures of themselves wearing make-up. It's such a fantastic thing to do! I decided to take part in it because my Grandpa had cancer just over a year ago and although he survived and beat cancer, there are so many people who don't. Apparently 1 in 3 people will suffer from cancer at some point in their lives and this figure needs to be reduced. It's nice to see that everyone is coming together to try and beat cancer. 

This was the picture I uploaded to Facebook. I know, I know, it's a bad picture but it's for a good cause so I don't care. As well as uploading a make-up free picture I also donated £10 to Cancer Research UK. I fully intend to donate more in the future. 

Show me your ‪#‎nomakeupselfies‬, I'd love to see them! If you would like to donate some money, you can donate £3 to cancer research by texting BEAT to 70099, or you can simply visit their website and donate however much you want!


  1. You look stunning without makeup on! I donated some money to cancer research as well. It's a great cause.

  2. You look amazing without make-up and it's for a wonderful cause too x
